YY unique locations selected. XX required progression items will be shuffled.
(If you start with party members three locations will be removed)
Randomize Spawns
Randomize spawn points for AI by AI type or mix them together.
AI Spawn Numbers
(The base game number of AI per spawner is unchanged)(Spawners shuffle their AI numbers between themselves)(All spawn numbers are random! Warning this may be diffuclt!)
AI Aggression
(AI are assigned aggression based on the spawner they spawn from)(AI are assigned aggression based on the type of AI)(All aggression is shuffled! Warning this may be difficult!)(All AI aggression is set to neutral or passive)
AI Options
AI Stat Difficulty
(AI stats are the same as the base game)(AI stats are greatly reduced)(AI stats are reduced)(AI stats are increased)(AI stats are greatly increased)
AI Health Difficulty
(AI health is the same as the base game)(AI health is greatly reduced)(AI health is reduced)(AI health is increased)(AI health is greatly increased)
AI Damage Difficulty
(AI damage is the same as the base game)(AI damage is greatly reduced)(AI damage is reduced)(AI damage is increased)(AI damage is greatly increased)
AI Spell Difficulty
(AI spell options are the same as the base game)(AI cast only lower level and easier spells)(AI can now cast harder and higher level spells)
AI Spells
(AI spell lists are unchanged)(AI casters are assigned spells from a shuffled pool of all AI spells)(AI casters are assigned random spells)
AI Equipment
(Unchanged from base game)(AI armor and weapons are shuffled between each other)(AI armor and weapons are randomized)
Character Adjustments
Shuffle NPCs
(Unchanged from base game)(NPCs shuffle their schedules with similar NPCs - shops, quests, etc)(NPCs shuffle their schedules within the same area)(All NPCs have their schedules shuffled)
Starting Party
(Unchanged from base game)(Starting party includes only the Avatar)(Party is same as base game with the ability to remove all party members)(Starting party includes the Avatar and three random members)
Starting Inventory
(Unchanged from base game)(Starting inventory for party members is empty except for key items)(Starting inventory for party members is randomzied with tiers and sets)(Starting inventory for party members is randomzied with low tier gear)(Starting inventory for party members is randomzied with low and mid tier gear)(Starting inventory for party members is randomzied with mid and high tier gear)(Starting inventory for party members is randomzied chaotically. Warning! May be very strange!)
Starting Gold
(Unchanged from base game - 200 gold)(The player will start with no gold)(The player will start with 400 gold)(The player will start with 800 gold)(The player will start with a random amount of gold between 0 and 800)
Starting Player Class
(Unchanged from base game - Avatar class stats)(Random class stats)(Base stats only with no class stats)(Bard class stats)(Druid class stats)(Fighter class stats)(Mage class stats)(Paladin class stats)(Ranger class stats)(Shepherd class stats)(Tinker class stats)
Item and Spell Adjustments
Other Searchable Items
(Other items found in searchable locations are unchanged from base game)(Shuffle other items found in searchable locations)(Randomize other items found in searchable locations)
Item Difficulty
(Unchanged from base game)(Invisibility and Regeneration are longer.)(Invisibility and Regeneration are shorter.)
Spell Level Requirements
(Unchanged from base game)(Allows all spells to be cast regardless of what level you are.)
Gameplay Adjustments
Day and Night Cycle
(Unchanged from base game)(Hours between 6:00-19:00)(Hours between 6:00-19:00)(2x longer days and nights)
Karma Difficulty
(Unchanged from base game)(Karma penalties lowered. Higher starting karma. Higher karma rewards.)(Karma penalties raised. Lower starting karma.)
Shrine of Spirituality Warp
(Unchanged from base game. Shrine is reachable only through Moongates.)(Add an island with a warp to the shrine)(Add an island with a warp to the shrine that requires flying to reach)(Add an island with a warp to the shrine with randomly selected requirements to reach)
Placed Rafts and Gates
(Same as base game. Possible to get stuck if you have no Moon Orb or Spellbook.)(Adds rafts & gates to possible stuck spots if you have no Moon Orb or Spellbook.)(All placed rafts will be moved to prevent them from accessing the ocean.)
The following people helped to test out the initial versions of the randomizer, and helped it to reach the stability it has today:
Quick Download
You have been directed here to download a rom with a seed of using the flag set!
You may now select some personalized customization options for your rom that will not affect your randomization.
If this is not correct, close this window to access the customization tools to generate the rom
of your choosing.
Generation successful with a seed of using the flag set!
You may now select some personalized customization options for your rom that will not affect your randomization.
Choose Avatar Sprite
Screen Flash Adjustments
Generating seed data. This may take several seconds based on settings chosen, which browser you are using, and what phases the moons are in.